Building an Eco System for Healthcare Solutions

  • Cheerland has accumulated over 3000 acres of land reserve in several strategically important locations: the Langfang Elder Care project is only 50 km from Tian’anmen Square; the XYD Rehabilitation project is located on an island off the east coast of Tianjin, also only 1.5 hrs away from Beijing; we are building biotech and healthcare centers in Shanghai; the Watson Center will also host medical clinics (collaborating with the Peking University Hospital in Shenzhen).
  • At each of these sites, a full array of healthcare solutions will be provided:
  • Gene testing for cancer susceptibility, genetic traits (covering sugar metabolism among many other traits), microbiome, common drug reactions, etc..
  • Systematic care for the middle-aged and elder populations: cancer early diagnostics, cardiovascular diagnosis tests, etc..
  • On-site medical clinics will provide medical care and routine checkups when needed.
  • These sites will provide a large eco system for the MDx and therapeutic products (including stem cell-based) which Cheerland Biotechnology and its partners developed.
  • This Pillar of core competency will distinguish Cheerland from other biopharma companies, which can only offer limited number of products through traditional sales channels. In contrast, Cheerland can serve millions of people through its extended eco system.